Current Students

If you are a postgraduate student funded by the North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) student, this page will be your primary source of information about funding and training opportunities as well as the expectations and policies that govern your studentships.

Stipend and fees payments, course registration, assessment and progression are managed at an institutional level. Therefore any queries on such matters should be directed to your School PGR Administrator or your supervisor in the first instance, or you can email your local institutional NWSSDTP Administrative Contact.

NWSSDTP Student Handbook

The NWSSDTP Student Handbook outlines all the opportunities, policies and deadlines of which NWSSDTP Students should be aware. We recommend you review this regularly and share a copy with your supervisor for reference.


NWSSDTP-funded students have access to a range of additional opportunities during the course of their studentship. These include:


As a requirement of ESRC funding, NWSSDTP students are expected to engage with a series of initiatives during the course of their studentship:

NWSSDTP Newsletter

All NWSSDTP Students receive a monthly newsletter by email, containing information about events and opportunities, as well as profiles of current student activity. To view copies of our previous newsletters, please visit the archive here.

NWSSDTP Student Representatives

There is a cohort of NWSSDTP Student Representatives across the institutions of the NWSSDTP. For details of who your reps are and current activity, please visit the NWSSDTP Student Representatives page!

COVID-19 Support

Please see our webpage here for details of the support offered to NWSSDTP Students during the COVID pandemic and its aftermath.